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  • Writer's pictureDavid Falcone

More Than a Song


Can you believe "Only Grace" has already been out for 3 months? It seems like it's been so much longer! We've actually been playing and singing the song in our church for over a year. In that year, not only has the song grown and changed, but we as a church have grown and changed too. When I first introduced "Only Grace", I hadn't even played the song with the rest of the band yet. It was just an idea and an acoustic guitar. But you were so excited that we got to sing a new song. And even more than that, it was our own original song. Over the next few months, you - my skyline family, took the song and made it your own. You sang louder than I've ever heard you sing. You truly believed in the song. That's what worship is. When you can move past the sound, and the lights, the people on stage, and the even the words on the screen. And you can truly believe in what it is you're saying. That's what happened with "Only Grace".

As a band, we're continuing to write and play new songs. We've just started to flesh out some ideas we have for more original Skyline Worship songs and we can't wait to share them with you. At Skyline you hear us say "We love to give because God loves us." A lot of times, that may mean during offering time at church. But I think "giving" goes way beyond placing money or placing a check in a basket. Giving is serving in a ministry. Giving is taking the time to help work on the renovations at our new campus. Giving is inviting your coworker or family member to Skyline for the first time and making sure they feel welcomed and taken care of when they finally walk through the doors. Giving means supporting your church family in so many ways.

One way you can support is by spreading the word about "Only Grace". Posting it on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. "Only Grace" is available to stream on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music for free. You can also purchase the song on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, and wherever digital music is sold. If you go online, you'll find that there are actually 2 versions of the song!

We as a band, want to keep writing and putting out music. This is one way that you as a church can directly support us in that. Thank you for coming with us and supporting us on this wild adventure. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us for the rest of 2017.

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