You want to grow. You're busy because you're trying to live a life worth living so the kids, your marriage, eating right, career, friends, important causes, all pull you in different directions. You're trying to follow God in all this, but have no clear path to follow. You want to be intentional, but that takes direction and steps. We were like that too, so we developed a spiritual growth path to help you know which steps you had taken, the step you’re on and the step you need to take. This path is designed to help you build your life on God’s grace which we have discovered leads to a life worth living. Check it out! But, like everything else in your life, don’t do it alone.

A life built on grace is built on Jesus, his grace and who he says we are in him. When we accept him, he gives us a new heart and changes who we are from the inside out. He promises that we are forgiven, holy, a servant of Jesus, and his witness.
We learn to build our lives on grace by asking four questions in every situation:
1) Am I forgiven?
2) Am I holy?
3) Am I a servant of Jesus Christ?
4) Am I His witness?
In every moment, by faith, we can live based on Jesus' personal promise that the answer to each of these questions is - "Yes, that is who you are."