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Jesus loves to give and so do you. Go ahead admit it. If you could give more you would. You love to give to vision. When you can see that your gifts will help people build lives worth living and, better yet, help children to live life worth living your response is -  sign me up! You love to give to build things. When you see that your gifts will result in a campus, tools or supplies that will help people get free from their hurts hang ups and habits your response is - sign me up. You also love to give together. You love community, being part of something bigger than yourself, being an important part of a family that is helping people develop healthy safe relationships is where you want to be. 


As you have enjoyed what God is doing at Skyline you have seen all three of these things happening and you can be confident that when you give it goes to what you love. 


People often say I would love to give, I just wish it was as easy as it is to spend. Now it is. Follow the simple directions below and you will be all set up to join our Skyline family in building lives worth living. 


- Chris High

Lead Pastor


Quick, ease, and secure. Make a one-time payment or schedule a recurring gift using your checking account, debit, or credit card on Church Center. Also available on Apple and Android & Google devices.


You can also give cash or check, in person, at any service on Sunday. To discuss assets you would like to give, please contact




You can also use PayPal as a form of payment:

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