The Big Idea: Jesus delights in liberating the humble seeker, but distresses over the hardened pretender.
Four Groups that Interacted with Jesus…
1. Mark 1:16-20 – The disciples were characterized by:
a. Action
b. Adventure
c. All in!
2. Mark 1:21-26 – The crowd was characterized by:
a. Amazement
b. Entertainment
c. Convenience
3. Mark 3:1-5 – The religious leaders were characterized by:
a. Condemnation
b. Criticism
c. Self-righteousness
4. Mark 6:1-6 – The hometown was characterized by:
a. Contempt
b. Familiarity
c. Offense
What Jesus Loves is the mission his Father gave him…but his plan involves you!
This week we have the choice to follow Jesus.