Ephesians 4:29
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
God: Grace applied where and when needed creates security, trust, and passion but words which slash, poison and bludgeon destroy it all.
Helpful Hint:
Only speak from the spirit, not the flesh!
Speak to the spirit, not the flesh.
Build a whole new vocabulary, tone, timing, looks, expressions.
I accept God’s call to be his tool to build into her:
An Incredible relationship with Christ.
The security that she is the most loved woman in the world.
A great lover who loves to reveal her wholesome beauty.
A secure Mom who loves and leads her family to Jesus.
I accept God’s call to be his tool to build in him:
The confidence that he has what it takes in Christ.
The security that you believe in him and his leadership.
A great lover who loves to protect, provide and cherish with his strength.
A strong father who leads his family to Jesus.