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Writer's pictureSkyline Church NJ



(Exodus 2:2-3)

And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months. And when she could no longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river’s brink. 

(Exodus 2:6)

And when she had opened it, she saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him and said this is one of the Hebrews’ children. 

(Exodus 2:10)

And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, because I drew him out of the water.

Thank you, Mom, for building a foundation God could build on.

Theodore Roosevelt stated, “When all is said, it is the mother, and the mother only, who is a better citizen than the soldier who fights for his country. The successful mother, the mother who does her part in rearing and training aright the boys and girls, who are to be the men and women of the next generation, is of greater use to the community, and occupies, if she would realize it, a more honorable as well as important position than any man in it. The mother is the one supreme asset of the national life. She is more important, by far, than the successful statesman, or businessman, or artist, or scientist.”


Your Thanks is coming when:

  • Your child, has lived loved and loves others in a healthy way when he reads Matthew 22:37, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

  • Your child knows how to “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33) because he sees you do it daily.

  • Your child doesn’t even think twice when God asks him to take a step of faith because you “train up a child in the way he should go...” (Proverbs 22:6).

  • Your child knows the truth behind Proverbs 3:11-12 simply because you disciplined out of love instead of reacting in anger. “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves...”

  • Your child knows how to recognize God in his everyday life because you live out Deuteronomy 6:6-7, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

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