How do I find the strength to be loving when my coworker is being selfish and stabbing me in the back? How do I have patience when I have worked all day and give my kids 100% of me with an anger problem? How do I find the confidence to lead my wife when she can only see the negative in life right now? Jesus talks about a life of peace, joy, and love. He says to take up my yoke, which is light, but it often feels incredibly heavy. We need strength, and usually, we try to find that strength from Jesus without his body, without deep relationships with other believers.
God says he is at work in his church as they do life together. The strength you are looking for comes from following Jesus together. We need to cheer for one another together. We need to wrestle with applying the Bible together. The strength you need can only be developed by working it out together. Fifty days of Stronger Together is going to help us to get stronger by living life together in groups and as a church. Stronger Together Groups begin on September 9th. You can take the first step right now, by committing to do what it takes to be a part of a group where you will learn how to get stronger by sharing life with others. ​
You can facilitate a Stronger Together group this fall by registering here: