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Rachel Richardson

I Didn't Drink the Kool Aid


Growth Catalyst changed my life. I know it's a cliché thing to say and you probably don't believe me, but trust me when I say, I DID NOT drink the Kool-Aid. This is the real deal. In fact, I'm living proof, and so are the four people we celebrated on Sunday, Oct. 21st, who graduated from Growth Catalyst – Reggie, Julissa, Sheylah, and Roger.

Growth Catalyst is the study of the first 8 books of Romans. It's an in-depth discovery of the lies we believe and is used as a tool that becomes your go-to for replacing lies with God’s truth. It’s done on a weekly basis with a leader (someone who has previously taken Growth Catalyst) until the course is completed. As you go through the course, you develop an awareness and gain perspective on who God says you are. You discover where your value comes from and learn what God says about your mistakes, your failures, and your brokenness.

What’s most incredible about Growth Catalyst is that each person that takes it gains something different, specific, and unique to their lives. Here’s what our graduates say they learned from Growth Catalyst.


Roger learned to remain humble and trust God. He learned to trust God’s perfect timing and not make rash decisions. And he hopes to teach and show others how Growth Catalyst has blessed him.

Reggie learned that by accepting Christ, he is no longer a slave to sin. He learned how to trade in lies for the truth. Reggie boasts, "to anyone who really wants to be transformed, I highly recommend Growth Catalyst."

Julissa learned what the Bible says about who she is. In all things, she learned to value the Bible and God and to go back to God’s Word consistently. Like all of us, at work, at school and at home, Julissa also

has many questions, but she learned how to seek God for answers.

Sheylah learned more about the Bible. Her favorite part was learning that the Holy ​Spirit is our advocate and He is a gift to us from God. Sometimes when we pray, we don’t even know what to pray. She is so thankful that the Holy Spirit helps her when she doesn’t even know what to ask. After taking Growth Catalyst, she wants to “teach others so that they can fall in love the way that she did.”


When I took Growth Catalyst, I learned that I was desperately trying to define my worth and my value from empty things – like the size of my paycheck, how clean my house is, etc. I realized how much I relied on my pride to carry me and how often it failed me. And I learned just how wide, how long, how deep, and how high God's love is for ME!

It is certainly plausible that the five of us drank the Kool-Aid and cannot be trusted. Yet, I promise you that if you look at the 71 people that have taken Growth Catalyst over the years, you’ll find mountains of proof, not only in their words, but in their LIVES. So I invite you – your curiosity, your skepticism, and your doubt – to test and prove what God can teach you through Growth Catalyst. Why? Just because I cannot wait to celebrate your transformation!

Curious?? Great! Connect with Monica Pinto our Growth Catalyst Coordinator by e-mailing

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