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Chris High

Minister Appreciation: Jorge Castro


Jorge has been special to me for a very long time. He is the father to Ana who was my daughter Alisha’s best friend in High School. Ana came to Christ and helped us start Skyline Church. Jorge and Ruth began to go to Skyline shortly after we started meeting in the movie theater. Ana then married my son Christopher, so we share 3 of the most amazing grandchildren on earth.

I love Jorge’s work ethic. He is so faithful to any ministry that he is a part of. He has been on the tech team and not only shows up when he says he will, but he is usually early. He is also continually willing to help in any way possible when emergencies come up. He is always positive, even if he is faking it, he makes you feel like a million bucks. He does not get rattled but is patient and asks excellent questions.

I have seen Jorge minister is so many different situations, but my favorite was when the church basement flooded when I was out of town. I received a phone call or text message from Kelechi and Robert, asking where the tools were to get it cleaned up. I then received a report that everything was swept, mopped and cleaned up. Jorge was right at the center of it all, serving, faithful and leaving me with the comfort that he and the men will take care of things and it would be just fine.

Jorge has also poured many many hours into the walls in the church basement. Ripping out wood, placing out the steel, putting up the rails, then setting up almost every wall in the basement. It was an incredible amount of work when I think about it.

I want to thank Jorge most of all for following Jesus. I love that although he has been with us for 15 years, he is still growing and maybe more today than at any time. Thank you for all of the hours you have poured into tech, tear down and set up, all the times I have called or texted you in an emergency, and you have come at a moments notice, cleaning up so many messes I have made. Thank you for making Skyline possible. Jorge, you are THE MAN

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