Hello everyone from the Skyline Traffic Coordinators,
We have been blessed with a place to worship and to be embedded right into the middle of the community. Spending mornings assisting with the needs of those attending Skyline has afforded us the opportunity to get to know our neighbors. I can tell you, we have been welcomed with open arms. The positive feedback has been amazing and what a blessing it is to see how we can share Christ through our positive actions. As a reminder, when you do park, please use the four (4) foot rule; do not park within 4 feet of an entrance to someone’s driveway.
Regarding our temporary crossing of Watchung Avenue in front of the church, although we have placed out the official pedestrian crossing signs in the roadway, please insure that the traffic comes to a complete stop before crossing. Although this is a temporary fix until the Township of Bloomfield and the County of Essex complete the official crosswalk, our main concern is for the safety of those crossing.
We do encourage you to utilize our drop off zone for your passengers, simply enter to the right of the cones placed in the street and go as far to the front of the line as possible. A coordinator will be there to assist you. This helps to eliminate the amount of people who need to walk and possibly cross Watchung Avenue. Should you have any special needs or concerns, please email me at joe@skylinenj.org so that I can assist you to make your arrival at Skyline as eventless as possible. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, good news makes for good health. Proverbs 15:30