Hello everyone from the Skyline Traffic Coordinators.... This past Sunday was an awesome day for so many reasons, the start of a new journey by being blessed with a place to call home base. With our new campus brings new experiences to celebrating each Sunday (and special events too...) For the next couple of weeks, we will be providing you with updates to help your arrival at the campus to be as smooth as possible. As you experienced from our first week, we have set up a drop off area for you to enter from Watchung Avenue to safely drop off your passengers. We would encourage you to do this if you plan on parking on the side streets on the North side of Watchung Avenue. Watchung Avenue right now is difficult to cross and we will have pedestrian crossing signs in the roadway starting this Sunday. By dropping off your passengers, it would reduce the number of individuals who will have to cross the busy roadway.
As you enter the drop-off zone, please pull forward to the exit sign at the front of the line or up to the vehicle located in front of you to allow other vehicles to enter safely into the area. If you have small children in car seats or need extra time to let off passengers, please stay in your vehicle until you are the very first vehicle in the line to allow others behind you to continue to enter and exit quickly. We will attempt to accommodate any special needs that you may have.
There are 4 handicapped spaces located after you exit the drop off area, just let a traffic coordinator know you need the handicapped parking area and we will assist you in entering safely. (We ask that you have an NJ approved handicapped parking pass or license plates.)
Our desire to be great neighbors to those living in the area will require us to be sensitive to our surroundings when choosing a place to park. When deciding on a space, remember to stay 4 feet away from any driveway. Another way to be a great neighbor is to look for basketball hoops at the curb line. If you see one there, it would be great if you choose not to park there. The possibility exists that there are kids that live there and very well could want to play basketball but cannot because of the parking. (We experienced this on Sunday and were able to make some children very happy by relocating a vehicle, all with a great attitude.)
On a good note, we petitioned the Township of Bloomfield and County of Essex to place an official crosswalk from Emerson Terrace to the front of the church. I received verbal confirmation that the recommendation will be to not only put the crosswalk in, but to add the handicapped curbing and signs as well. This is an answer to prayer for the safety of utilizing our campus not only on Sunday’s but during the week giving us a safe access to Brookdale Park.
The Traffic Coordinators look forward to serving you and our neighbors as we strive on reducing the impact to those living in the area. If you are interested in serving with us, drop an email to joe@skylinenj.org and I will provide you with additional information about our team.
“Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand” (Philippians 2:4 MSG).