Last Sunday during Celebration Service we held signups for the Easter Egg Hunt Teams. It was so much fun to see the leaders talk about the things that make their teams so much fun. This Sunday we will be having team sign-ups during each service. Here's a list of the teams that need people just like you!
Balloons Team needs 3 volunteers
Bounce House Team needs 3 volunteers
Bunny Team needs 1 volunteers
Craft Team need 12 volunteers
Egg Team needs 7 volunteers
Face Painting Team needs 11 volunteers
Games Team needs 8 volunteers
Registration Team needs 2 volunteers
Setup Team needs 11 volunteers
Signs Team needs 4 volunteers
Sound Team needs 3 volunteers
Tear-Down Team needs 8 volunteers
Toddler Town Team needs 4 volunteers
Check out last week's post for a description of what each team does. And don't forget to stop by the signup tables on Sunday!