Just how high are your expectations? Leaders and motivational speakers tell us to dream big! To visualize a new world where everything is just the way we want it to be. As kids, we were told to just believe. But as we got older we saw that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were just not real no matter how much we believed. Maybe your parents still got divorced no matter how much you prayed, or a loved one passed away despite your bargaining with God. Did you know that the Bible says that God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine? In other words He can do more than your expectations. Then it says, "according to the power that is at work within you." Wait a minute! That sounds a lot like those motivational speakers telling us to dream big. The difference is that this promise is built on Jesus – his life and his power, not you. From March 12th - April 9th we are going to explore the possibility of this promise becoming reality in our lives.